Digilock Partners up with Trees for All to Ensure a Greener Future

April 22, 2021

Digilock's commitment to a sustainable future

Nieuw-Vennep- In celebration of #Earthday, Digilock is delighted to announce our partnership with Trees for All. To initiate the company’s first positive climate contribution, Digilock is donating 2,500 trees today, with a goal to reach 7,500 trees by the end of this year to help ensure a green and livable planet for future generations.

“As a company and as individuals, we are increasingly concerned about the well-being of our planet—the only home we have. We at Digilock understand the urgency to invest in the future of our children and our children’s children. Trees for All offers the ideal platform to achieve this on a large scale,” says Geert van Dijk, Managing Director Digilock Europe, about the initiative.

“The trees we plant with Trees for All will contribute to a healthier environment for all life while improving the living standards in the countries where the trees are planted,” continues Van Dijk on why Digilock chose the foundation to initiate a sustainable change within the organization.


UN Sustainable Development Goal

Trees for All was founded in 1999 and is the most experienced provider of CO2 compensation in the Netherlands, and it is the only provider of CO2 compensation through sustainable forest projects that meets the strict requirements of the CBF (Central Bureau for Fundraising) quality mark.

Rik Roskam indicates the importance of the CBF recognition: “We are very proud to have this quality mark. It is an important one for us because we show our donors that we are a good cause to which you can safely give. When you support our organization, you know that your donation contributes to a better world.”

The foundation also follows the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) guidelines of the United Nations.

“Our focus is on the following 4 SDGs: SDG 1: Combat poverty; SDG 13: Climate improvement; SDG 15: Restore biodiversity; and SDG 17: Build partnerships. We raise funds for sustainable reforestation projects in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The forest projects are selected on various principles in which local involvement, sustainable forest development, and social impact play a central role. We see local involvement as an important condition for sustainable forest protection. Therefore, in addition

to ecological and climatological value, a project must also have socio-economic value for the local population,” Roskam explains.



Every year 3.5 billion trees are lost. With disastrous consequences for people, animals, and climate. Digilock’s goal is plant thousands of trees by the end of this year. Geert Van Dijk thinks the company will succeed.  “We decided to start by investing in 2.500 trees. In 2021 we will plant a tree for a certain number of locks that we sell in the EMEA region. Our overall goal is to plant 7.500 trees this year. We are convinced that partnering with Trees for All will help restore existing forest and raise awareness about the need for trees. Together we can make a difference,” states the Digilock Europe Managing Director.



Trees for All believes trees are the solution for climate change. “We want to pass on a green and healthy planet. Our mission is to plant new forests worldwide and restore existing forests. We do this through sustainable forest projects. In this way, we contribute to a better climate, more biodiversity, and better living conditions for the local population. We look forward to increasing our impact together with Digilock! We are very grateful for your donation and would like to continue to collaborate so that, together, we can pass on a green and healthy planet,” Rik Roskam concludes.



If every world citizen were to plant two trees a year, we would not only mitigate deforestation but increase the quantity of forest globally.


Trees for All has:

Trees For All data graphic



Got inspired and also want to contribute to a greener planet? Gift our earth a tree in honor of EarthDay now by clicking here 


Tags: company


Written by Digilock